BoA Pets and Mounts in Pandaria 5 0

BoA Pets and Mounts in Pandaria 5 0

Uh oh.

For those that either accumulate, buy, sell, trade, or stockpile pets, it seems they might be going the way of the glyphs...kinda.

A recent blue post on the forums by none other than the overzealous gold hating Nakatoir:

Basically the silly scorpion states that Blizz is testing the waters on account wide features in Pandaria. Due to Pet Battles and such, if one toon owns a pet, all toons on your account own that pet....but thats not it. He (they or it) also describe if that is successful, then mounts is a possibility as well.

Dammit Jim! Err....Nakalaka! I mean Nakasuki....Porkchop! Whatever your name is! I hate when blues do this to us!

Now this is more than speculation, as it is some time before Panda Xpac will be upon us. But to see a blizzard blue mention this is sickening to anyone that:

A. Spent time searching to get "x" pet or "x" mount (see Time Lost Proto or Ashes of Alar)
B. Spent time grinding out rep to get "x" pet or "x" mount (see Glory of the Hero Red Drake)
C. Sells any amount of "vendor" or "mob dropped" pets in the AH (see Hyacyinth or the dreaded Cock-a-roach)

On the other hand, who knows what they are thinking. With just a snipped from a probably now fired blizzard dev, there has been quite a stir....

OR------The blizz post is really mentioning about adding Mount Battles as well as Pet Battles in Pandaland? Things that make you go hmmm...

A really confused Alto
With a really horrible Conspiracy Theory

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