BNK603 Consumer Banking GDB Solution Due date 13 November 2015

BNK603 Consumer Banking GDB Solution Due date 13 November 2015

BNK603 Consumer Banking GDB Solution Due date 13 NOV 2015


BNK603 consumer banking_GDB

Mission Statement of MCB

� Purpose:

 Providing innovative and efficient financial solutions to create and nurture long-term relationships with our customers

Value proposition:

Team of committed professionals

Strategic intent and:

Shareholders can invest with confidence in us

� Overall performance objectives:

Best financial solutions, investment with confidence and long-term relationship with customers.

Mission statement of HBL


Investors prosper

� Value proposition:

Investor(s), staff, stakeholders

� Strategic intent and

Making value for stakeholders

� Overall performance objectives

To make our investor(s) prosper, our staff excel and to create value for our stakeholders

Mission statement of UBL

� Purpose

Quality assurance 

� Value proposition

Optimize people, processes and technology to deliver the best possible financial solution to our customers

Strategic intent and:

Become the most sought after investment

� Overall performance objectives

Set the highest industry standard for quality, across all areas of operation, on a sustained basis. Optimize people, processes and technology to deliver the best possible financial solution to our customers. Become the most sought after investment. Be recognized as the employer of choice

Mission statement of Nestle

� Purpose:

Positively influence the social environment with purity

 Value proposition:

Responsible corporate citizens

� Strategic intent and:

Societal aspirations which improve quality of life

� Overall performance objectives

Positively influence the social environment in which we operate as responsible corporate citizens, with due regard for those environmental standards and societal aspirations which improve quality of life

Mission statement of coca cola

� Purpose:

To refresh the world
To inspire moments of optimism and happiness
To create value and make a difference.

� Value proposition:

Mission, standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions

� Strategic intent and:

Road map starts with our mission

� Overall performance objectives

Our Road map starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
 To refresh the world.
 To inspire moments of optimism and


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