Books and Authors

Books and Authors

A Bend in the River - V.S. Naipaul
A Brief History of Time � Stephen Hawking
A China Passage � John Kenneth Galbraith
Accidental Death of an Anarchist � Dario Fo
A Clockwork Orange � Anthony Burgess
A Critique of Pure Reason � Immanuel Kant
A Doll�s House � Ibsen
A Farewell to Arms � Ernest Hemingway
A Fine Balance � Rohinton Mistry
A Handful of Dust � Evelyn Waugh
A House for Mr. Biswas � V. S. Naipaul
A Million Mutinies Now � V.S. Naipaul
A Midsummer Night�s Dream � William Shakespeare
A Passage to England � Nirad S. Choudhari
A Passage to India � E.M. Foster
A Prisoner�s Scrapbook � L.K. Adwani
A Sense of Time - H.S. Vatsyayan
A Strange and Sublime Address � Amit Chaudhary
A Streetcar Named Desire � Tennesse Williams
A Study of History � Arnold J. Toynbee
A Suitable Boy � Vikram Seth
A Tale of Two Cities � Charles Dickens
A Thousand Days � Arthur M. Schiesinger
A Thousand Suns � Dominique Lappierre
A Village by the Sea � Anita Desai
A Voice for Freedom � Nayantara Sehgal
A Week with Gandhi � Louis Fischer
A Woman�s Life � Guy de Maupassant
Absolute Power � David Baldacci
Adam Bede � George Eliot
Adonis � P.B. Shelley
Adventure of Tom Sawyer � Mark Twain
Afternoon Raag � Amit Chaudhary
Agni Veena � Kazi Nazrul Islam
Akbarnama � Abul Fazal
Alice in Wonderland � Lewis Carroll
All Quiet on the Western Front � Erick Maria Remarque
All the King�s Men � Robert Penn Warren
All the President�s Men � Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
All Things Bright and Beautiful � James Herriot
All�s Well that Ends Well � William Shakespeare
Amar Kosh � Amar Singh
An American Dilemma � Gunnar Myrdal
An American Tragedy � Theodore Dreiser
An Area of Darkness � V.S. Naipaul
An Autobiography � Jawaharlal Nehru
An Equal Music � Vikram Seth
An Idealist View of Life � Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Anandmath � Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
And Quiet Flows the Don � Mikhail Sholokhov
Angels in America � Tony Kushner
Animal Form � George Orwell
Anna Karenina � Leo Tolstoy
Antony and Cleopatra � William Shakespeare
Ape and Essence � Aldous Huxley
Around the World in Eighty Days � Jules Verne
Arrowsmith � Sinclair Lewis
As You Like It � William Shakespeare
Asia and Western Dominance � K. M. Panikkar
Asina Drama � Gunnar Myrdal
August 1914 � Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Autobiography of an Unknown Indian � Nirad S. Choudhari

Babbit - Sinclair Lewis
Back to Methuselah - George Bernard Shaw
Bndicoot Run - Manohar Malgaonkar
Beginning of the Beginning � Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh
Being Digital - Nicholas Negroponte
Beloved � Toni Morrison
Ben Hur � Lewis Wallace
Beyond the Horizon � Eugene O�Neill
Bharat Bharati � Maithili Saran Gupt
Biographia Literaria � Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Black Holes and Baby Universes � Stephen Hawking
Blood, Brain and Beer � David Ogilvy
Bonfire of the Vanities � Tom Wolfe
Born Free � Joy Adamson
Brave New World � Aldous Huxley
Bread, Beauty and Revolution � Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
Breakfast at Tiffany�s � Truman Capote
Breakthrough � Gen. Moshe Dayan
Bubble, The � Mulk Raj Anand
Business @ Speed of Thought � Bill Gates
Byzantium � W.B. Yeats

Cadillac Desert � Marc Reisner
Caesar and Cleopatra � George Bernard Shaw
Candida � George Bernard Shaw
Candide � Voltaire
Catch-22 � Joseph Heller
Catcher in the Rye � J.D. Salinger
Centennial � James A. Michener
Chemmeen � Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
Cherry Orchard � Anton Chekhov
Chidambara � Sumitranandan Pant
Childe Harold�s Pilgrimage � Lord Byron
Chitra � Rabindra Nath Tagore
Choma�s Drum � K. Sivaram Karanth
Chronicle of a Death Foretoid � Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Circle of Reason � Amitav Ghosh
Circles of Silence � Preeti Singh
City of Joy � Dominique Lapierre
City of Djinns � William Dairymple
Comedy of Errors � William Shakespeare
Coming of Age in Samoa � Margaret Mead
Common Sense � Thomas Paine
Communist Manifesto � Karl Marx
Confessions � J.J. Rousseau
Confessions of an English Opium Eater � Thomas De Quincey
Confidential Clerk � T.S. Eliot
Conquest of Self � Mahatma Gandhi
Coolie � Mulk Raj Anand
Count of Monte Cristo � Alexander Dumas
Coverly Papers � Joseph Addison
Creation � Gore Vidal
Crescent Moon � Rabindra Nath Tagore
Crime and Punishment � Feodor Dostoyevsky
Crisis into Chaos � E.M.S. Namboodiripad
Cry, the Beloved Country � Alan Paton

Darkness at Noon � Arthur Koestler
Darkness Visible � William Styron
Das Kapital � Karl Marx
David Copperfield � Charles Dickens
Days of Grace � Arthur Ashe and Arnold Ram Prasad
Death in Venice � Thomas Mann
Death of a City � Amrita Pritam
Death of a Patriot � R.E. Harrington
Death of a Salesman � Arthur Miller
Debacle � Emile Zola
Decameron � Giovanni Boccaccio
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire � Edward Gibbon
Descent of Man � Charles Darwin
Deserted Village � Oliver Goldsmith
Devdas � Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
Dilemma of Our Time � Harold Joseph Laski
Diplomacy � Henry Kissinger
Discovery of India � Jawaharlal Nehru
Distant Drums � Manohar Malgaonkar
Divine Comedy � Dante Alighieri
Divine Life � Swami Sivananda
Doctor Zhivago � Boris Pasternak
Doctor�s Dilemma � George Bernard Shaw
Don Juan � Lord Byron
Don Quixote � Miguel de Cervantes
Dr. Jkyll and Mr. Hyde � Robert Louis Stevenson
Durgesh Nandini � Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Down Under � Bill Bryson
Dust to Dust � Tami Hoag

Earth � Emile Zola
Eminent Victorians � Lytton Strachey
Emma � Jane Austen
Ends and Means � Aldous Huxley
English August � Upamanyu Chatterjee
Envoy to Nehru � Escott Reid
Essays of Elia � Charles Lamp
Essays on Gita � Sri Aurobindo Ghosh
Eternal Himalayas � Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia
Ethics for New Millennium � The Dalai Lama
Expandin Universe � Arthur Stanley Eddington

Faces of Everest � Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia
Family Matters � Rohinton Mistry
Family Reunion � T.S. Eliot
Far from the Madding Crowd � Thomas Hardy
Farewell the Trumpets � James Morris
Farewell to Arms � Ernest Hemingway
Fasting Feasting � Anita Desai
Father and Sons � Ivan Turgenev
Faust � J.W. Goeth
Final Days, The � Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
First Circle � Alexander Solzhenitsyn
For Whom the Bell Tolls � Ernest Hemingway
Forsyth Saga � John Galsworthy
Fortynine Days � Amrita Pritam
Freedom at Midnight � Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
French Revolution � Thomas Carlyle
Friends and Foes � Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
From Here to Eternity � James Jones

Ganadevta � Tara Shankar Bandopadhyaya
Gandhi and Stalin � Louis Fisher
Gardener � Rabindra Nath Tagore
Gathering Storm � Winston Churchill
Ghasiram Kotwal � Vijay Tendulkar
Gitanjali � Rabindra Nath Tagore
Glimpes of World History � Jawaharlal Nehru
Godan � Prem Chand
Golden Threshold � Sarojini Naidu
Gone With the Wind � Margaret Mitchell
Good Earth � Pearl S. Buck
Good Times, Bad Times � Harold Evans
Goodby, Mr. Chips � James Hilton
Grammar of Politics � Harold Joseph Laski
Great Expectations � Charles Dickens
Guide � R. K. Narayan
Gulag Archipelago � Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Gulliver�s Travels � Janathan Swift
Gypsi Masala � Preeti Nair

Half a Life � V.S. Naipaul
Hamlet � William Shakespeare
Harvest � Manjula Padmanabhan
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix � J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire � J. K. Rowling
Heat and Dust � Ruth Prawer Jhabwala
Heri Apparent � Dr. Karan Singh
Heritage � Anthony West
Heroes and Hero Worship � Thomas Carlyle
Himalayan Blunder � Brigadier J.P. Dalvi
Hindu View of Life � Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Hinduism � Nirad S. Choudhari
Homage to Catalonia � George Orwell
How to Know God � Deepak Chopra
Hullabaloo in a Guava Orchard � Kiran Desai
Human Factor � Graham Green
Hunchback of Notre Dame � Victor Hugo
Hungry Stones � Rabindra Nath Tagore

Iacocca � Lee Iacocca
Ideas and Opinions � Albert Einstein
I Follow the Mahatma � K.M. Munshi
Idols � Sunil Gavaskar
If I am Assassinated � Z.A. Bhutto
If Only � Geri Halliwell
Ignited Minds � A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
In Evil Hour � Gabriel Garcia Marques
In Memoriam � Alfred Lord Tennyson
In Search of Gandhi � Richard Attenborough
India in the New Millennium � Dr. P.C. Alexander
India Changes � Taya Zinkin
India Discovered � John Keay
India Divided � Rajendra Prasad
Indian Emerging Power � Stephen Philip Cohen
India- Another Millennium � Romila Thapar
India- Unbound � Gurcharan Das
India of Our Dreams � M.V. Kamath
India Remembered � Percival and Margaret Spear
India Wins Freedom � Abul Kalam Azad
India�s Priceless Heritage � N.A. Palkiwala
Indian Philosophy � Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Indira: The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi � Katherine Frank
Inscrutable Americans � Anurag Mathur
Inside Asia, Inside Europe, Inside Africa etc � John Gunther
Interpreter of Maladies � Jhumpa Lahiri
Intimacy � Jean Paul Sartre
Invisible Man � H.G. Wells
Is Paris Burning � Larry Collins & Dominique Lapierre
Isabella � John Keats
Islamic Bomb � Stev Weissman & Herbert Krouney
It was Five Past Midnight in Bhopal � Dominique Lapierre and Javier Moro
Ivanhoe � Sir Walter Swatt

Jai Somnath � K.M. Munshi
Jane Eyre � Charlotte Bronte
Jean Christopher � Romain Rolland
Julius Caeser � William Shakespeare
Jungle Book � Rudyard Kipling
Junglee Girl � Ginu Kamani
Jurassic Park � Michael Chrchton

Kalpana Chawla- A Life � Anil Padmanabhan
Kamasutra � Vatsyayana
Kane and Abel � Jeffrey Archer
Kanthapura � Raja Rao
Kashmir : A Tragedy of Errors � Tavleen Singh
Kayar � Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
Kenilworth � Sir Walter Scott
Kidnapped � Robert Louis Stevenson
Kim � Rudyard Kipling
King Lear � William Shakespeare
Kubla Khan � Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ladies Coupe - Anita Nair
La Peste � Albert Camus
Lady Chatterley�s Lover � D. H. Lawrence
Lajja � Taslima Nasreen
Last Burden � Upamanyu Chatterjee
Last Things � C.P. Snow
Le Contract (Social Contract) � J.J. Rousseau
Lead Kindly Light � Vincent Shean
Leaders � Richard Nixon
Leaves of Grass � Walt Whitman
Less Miserables � Victor Hugo
Leviathan � Thomas Hobbes
Life Divine � Sri Aurobindo
Life is Elsewhere � Milan Kundera
Life of Samuel Jhonson � James Bosewell
Living History � Hillary Clinton
Lolita � Vladimir Nobakov
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner � Allan Sillitoe
Long Day�s Journey into Night � Eugene O�Neill
Long Walk to Freedom � Nelson Mandela
Look Back in Anger � John Osborne
Lord of the Files � William Golding
Love Story � Erich Segal

Macbeth � William Shakespeare
Magic Mountain � Thomas Mann
Mahatma Gandhi and his Apostles � Ved Mehta
Main Street � Romain Rolland
Malgudi Days � R.K. Narayan
Man and Superman � George Bernard Shaw
Man of Property � John Galsworthy
Man, Beast and Virtue � Luigi Pirandello
Man-eaters of Kumaon � Jim Corbett
Managing for the Future � Peter Drucker
Managing for Results � Peter Drucker
Mankind and Mother Earth � Arnold Toynbee
Many Worlds - K.P.S Menon
Mayor of Casterbridge � Thomas Hardy
Mein Kampf � Adolf Hitler
Memories of Hope � Gen. Charles de Gaulle
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus � John Gray
Middle March � George Eliot
Midnight�s Children � Salman Rushdie
Mill on the Floss � George Eliot
Moby Dick � Hermann Melville
Moonwalk � Michael Jackson
Mother India � Katherine Mayo
Mother � Maxim Gorky
Much Ado About Nothing � William Shakespeare
Murder in the Cathedral � T.S. Eliot
My Days � R.K. Narayan
My India � S. Nihal Singh
My Life and Times � V.V. Giri
My Music, My Life � Pandit Ravi Shankar
My own Boswell � M. Hidayatullah
My Presidential Years � R. Venkataraman
Mystic River � Dennis Lehane
My Son�s Father � Dom Moraes
My Truth � Indira Gandhi

Nana � Emile Zola
Never At Home � Dom Moraes
New Dimensions of India�s Foreign Policy � Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Nice Guys Finish Second � B. K. Nehru
Nineteen Eighty Four � George Orwell
Nisheeth � Uma Shankar Joshi
No Full Stops in India � Mark Tully
Nostradamus and his Prophecies � Edgar Leoni
Nostromo � Joseph Conrad

O� Jerusalem � Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre
Odakkuzhal � G. Shankara Kurup
Of Human Bondage � W. Somerset Maugham
Oliver Twist � Charles Dickens
On The Threshold of Hope � Pope John Paul II
One Hundred Years of Solitude � Gabriel Garcia Marquez
One World and India � Arnold Toynbee
One World � Wendell Wilkie
Operation Bluestar: The True Story � Lt. Gen. K.S. Brar
Operation Shylock - Philip Roth
Othello � William Shakespeare
Our Films, Their Films � Satyajit Ray
Out of Africa � Isak Dinesen

Painter of Signs � R.K. Narayan
Pakistan Cut to Size � D.R. Mankekar
Pakistan: The Gathering Storm � Benazir Bhutto
Pale Blue Dot � Carl Sagan
Panchatantra � Vishnu Sharma
Paradise Lost � John Milton
Pather Panchali � Bibhuti Bhushan
Patriotic Gore � Edmund Wilson
People Like Us � Pavan Verma
Peter Pan � J.M. Barrie
Plain Speaking � N. Chandrababu Naidu
Pleading Guilty � Scott Turow
Portrait of India � Ved Mehta
Post Office � Rabindra Nath Tagore
Prelude � William Wordsworth
Preoccupations � Saemus Heaney
Present at the Creation � Dean Acheson
Pride and Prejudice � Jane Austen
Prince � Niccolo Machiavelli
Principa Mathematica � Bertrand Russel
Prison Diary � Jayaprakash Narayan
Private Lives � Noel Coward
Profiles in Courage � John F. Kennedy
Pygmalion � George Bernard Shaw

Rabbit, Run � John Updike
Rangbhoomi � Prem Chand
Rape of Bangladesh � Anthony Mascarenhas
Ravan and Eddie � Kiran Nagarkar
Rebel, The � Albert Camus
Red Badge of Courage � Stephen Crane
Red Earth and Pouring Rain � Vikram Seth
Red Star Over China � Edgar Snow
Reflections on the French Revolution � Edmund Burke
Remembering Babylon � David Malouf
Rendezvous with Rama � Arthur C. Clark
Revolution from Within � Gloria Steinem
Riding the Storm � Harold MacMillan
Riot: A Novel � Shashi Tharoor
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich � William L. Shierer
Robinson Crusoe � Daniel Defoe
Romeo and Juliet � William Shakespeare
Room at the Top � John Braine
Rabaiyat-I Omar Khyyam � Edward Fitzgerald

Saket � Maithili Sharan Gupt
Sanctuary � William Faulkner
Scam, The: Who Won, Who Lost , Who Got Away � Debashis Basu and Sucheta Dalal
Scarlet Letter � Nathaniel Hawthome
Seven Lamps of Architecture - John Ruskin
Seven Summers � Mulk Raj Anand
Sexual Behaviour in the American Male � Alfred Kinsey
Shadow and Act � Ralph Ellison
Shape from Ladakh � Bhavani Bhattacharya
Shape of Thing to Come � H.G. Wells
She Stoops to Conquer � Oliver Goldsmith
Siddharta � Hermann Hesse
Silent Spring � Rachel Carson
Six Characters in Search of an Author � Luigi Piradello
Six Easy Pieces � Richard P. Feyman
Slaughter House Five � Kurt Vonnegut
Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered � Ernst
Snakes and Ladders: Essays on India � Gita Mehta
Snow Country � Yasunari Kawabata
Sohrab and Rustam � Mathew Arnold
Sons and Lovers � D.H. Lawrence
Sophie�s Choice � William Styron
Story of My Life � Moshe Dayan
Strangers and Brothers � C.P. Snow
Strife � John Galsworthy
Stupid White Men � Michael Moore
Sun Stone � Octavio Paz
Sunny Days � Sunil Gavaskar
Swami and Friends � R.K. Narayan

Talisman � Sir Walter Scott
Tarzan of Apes � Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tempest � William Shakespeare
Tender is the Night � E. Scott Fitzgerald
Tenth Insight � James Redfield
Thank You, Jeeves � P.G. Wodehouse
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes � Arthur Conan Doyle
The Affluent Society � John Kenneth Galbraith
The Age of Reason � Jean Paul Sartre
The Agenda � Bob Woodward
The Agony and the Ecstasy � Irving Stone
The Ambassadors � Henry James
The Applecart - George Bernard Shaw
The Arrangement � Elia Kazan
The Banyan Tree � Hugh Tinker
The Best and the Brightest � David Halberstam
The Better Man � Anita Nair
The Big Fisherman � Lloyd Douglas
The Bride�s Book of Beauty � R.J. Waller
The Cancer Ward � Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Call of the Wild � Jack London
The Canterbury Tales � Geoffery Chaucer
The Captive of the Caucasus � Alexander Pushkin
The Cardinal � Henry Morton Robinson
The Caretaker � Harold Pinters
The Castle � Ranz Kafka
The Cat and Shakespeare � Raja Rao
The Changing World of the Executive � Peter Drucker
The Civil War � Shelby Foote
The Clown � Heinrich Boll
The Coup � John Updike
The Court Dancer � Rabindra Nath Tagore
The Crucible � Arthur Miller
The Day of the Locust � Nathaniel West
The Death of Vishnu � Manil Suri
The Degeneration of India � T.N. Sheshan
The Diary of a Young Girl � Anne Frank
The Double Helix � James D. Watson
The End of a Beautiful Era � Joseph Brodsky
The End of History and the Last Man � Francis Fukuyama
The Executioner�s Song � Norman Mailer
The Eye of the Storm � Patrick White
The Far Pavilions � M.M. Kaye
The Faraway Music � Svetlana Allilueva
The Feminine Mystique � Betty Friedan
The Fifth Horseman � Larry Collins and Domnique Lapierre
The Fire Next Time � James Baldwin
The Forbidden Sea � Tara Ali Baig
The French Lieutenant�s Woman � John Fowles
The Fury � Salman Rushdie
The Ginger Man � J.P. Donleavy
The Glass Palace � Amitav Ghosh
The God of Small Things � Arundhati Roy
The Godfather � Mario Puzo
The Golden Gate � Vikram Seth
The Grapes and the Wind � Pablo Neruda
The Grapes of Wrath � John Steinbeck
The Great Challenge � Louis Fischer
The Great Indian Novel � Shashi Tharoor
The Guns of August � Barbara Tuchman
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter � Carson McCullers
The Hitchhiker�s Guide to the Galaxy � Douglas Adams
The Horse Whisperer � Nicholas Evans
The Green Knight � Iris Murdoch
The Heart of the Matter � Graham Greene
The Hot Zone � Richard Prelurid
The House of the Spirits � Isabel Allende
The Humboldt Gift � Saul Bellow
The Idiot � Feodor Dostoyevsky
The Importance of Being Earnest � Oscar Wilde
The Interpreter of Maladies � Jhumpa Lahiri
The Interpreters � Wole Soyinka
The Invisible Man � Ralph Ellison
The Joke � Milan Kundera
The Judge � Steve Martini
The Judgement � Kuldip Nayar
The Keeper of the Keys � Milan Kundera
The Last Temptation of Christ � Kazant Zakis
The Legends of Khasak � O.V. Vijayan
The Making of a Midsummer Night�s Dream � David Selboume
The Mandarin � Simon de Beauvoir
The Masters � C.P. Snow
The Man Who Killed Gandhi � Manohar Malgaonkar
The Merchant of Venice � William Shakespeare
The Middle Ground � Margaret Drabble
The Mind of the C.E.O. � Jeffrey E. Garten
The Minister�s Wife � Amaresh Mishra
The Miser � Moliere
The Moon and Sixpence � W. Somerset Maugham
The Moor�s Last Sigh � Salman Rushdie
The Night Manager � Johnie Cane
The Old Man and the Sea � Ernest Hemingway
The Origin of Species � Charles Darwin
The Other Side of Midnight � Sidney Sheldon
The Painted Veil � W. Somerset Maugham
The Pickwick Papers � Charles Darwin
The Pilgrim�s Progress � John Bunyan
The Power and the Glory � Graham Greene
The Power of Positive Thinking � Norman Vincent Peale
The Private Life of Chairman Mao � Dr. Li Zhisui
The Proper Study of Mankind � Isaiah Berlin
The Rain King � Saul Bellow
The Rape of the Lock � Alexander Pope
The Return of the Native � Thomas Hardy
The Rights of Man � Thomas Hardy
The Road Ahead � Bill Gates
The Robe � Lloyd C. Douglas
The Roots � Alex Haley
The Satanic Verses � Salman Rushdie
The Second World War � Winston Churchill
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success � Deepak Chopra
The Sheltering Sky � Paul Bowles
The Shoes of the Fisherman � Morris L. West
The Social Contract � Rousseau
The Songs of India � Sarojini Naidu
The Sound and the Fury � William Faulkner
The Spirit of the Age � William Hazlitt
The Story of My Experiments with Truth � Mahatma Gandhi
The Strange and Sublime Address � Amit Chaudhary
The Struggle in My Life � Nelson Mandela
The Sword and the Sickle � Mulk Raj Anand
The Testament � John Grisham
The Third Wave � Alvin Tofler
The Total Zone � Martina Navaratilova
The Tree of Man � Patrick White
The Trial � Franz Kafka
The Trotter-Nama � Allan Sealy
The Unfurnished Man � Patrick White
The Vendor of Sweets � R.K. Narayan
The Victim � Saul Bellow
The Volcano Lover � Susan Sontag
The Wasteland � T.S. Eliot
The Way of all Flesh � Samuel Butler
The Wealth of Nations � Adam Smith
Theory of War � John Brady
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
Thirteenth Sun, The � Amrit Pritam
Thom Birds � Collen McCullough
Thousand Cranes � Yasunari Kawabata
Three Horsemen of the New Apocalypse � Nirad C. Chaudhary
Time Machine � H.G. Wells
Tin Drum � Gunther Grass
Tinker, Tailor Soldier � John Le-Came
Tome Jones � Henry Fielding
To the Lighthouse � Virginia Woolf
Train to Pakistan � Khushwant Singh
Treasure Island � Robert Louis Stevenson
Tropic of Cancer � Henry Miller
Tryst with Destiny � S. Gopalan
Twelfth Night � William Shakespeare
Two Leaves and a Bud � Mulk Raj Anand

Ulysses � James Joyce
Uncle Tom�s Cabin � Harriet Beecher Stowe
Under the Net � Iris Murdoch
Unsafe at Any Speed � Ralph Nader
Unto The Last � John Ruskin
Untold Story � General B.M. Kaul
Up from Slavery � Booker T. Washington
Utopia � Thomas Moore

Valley of the Dolls � Jacqueline Susann
Vanity Fair � William Thackeray

Waiting for Godot � Samuel Beckett
Waiting for the Mahatma � R.K. Narayan
Wake up India � Annie Besant
War and Peace � Leo Tolstoy
Westward Ho � Charles Kingsley
What they don�t teach you at Harvard Business School � Mark. H. Mc Cormack
Who is Kalam? � R. Ramanathan
Who moved my cheese? � Dr. Spencer Johnson
Wings of Fire � A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Winter Solstice � Rosamunder Pilcher
Witness to an Era � Frank Moraes
Women in Love � D.H. Lawrence
World Within Worlds � Stephen Spender
Wuthering Heights � Emily Bronte

Yayati � V.S. Khandekar
Year of the Upheaval � Henry Kissinger
Yesterday and Today � K.P.S. Menon
You Can Win � Shiv Khera

Zen and the Art of Motocycle Maintenance � Robert Pirsig
